The adult is small (between 1.5 and 2.0 mm long) and dull or dusty black, with striations (ridges or creases) on its back. Flea beetles in general have large hind legs for jumping away quickly when disturbed. The legs and antennae of the tuber flea beetles are reddish-brown in colour.
Most flea beetles commonly seen in potatoes jump when disturbed, making them easy to confuse with the TFB. They may need to be collected and a magnifying glass is required to see many of the following characteristics.
1. Legs mostly black, wing covers smooth and shiny and without small hairs……….......4
Legs brownish to orange, wing covers with small hairs....................………….………..2
Wing covers darker, without band ………………..............................................................3
Wing covers brown to bronze…………………..….western potato flea beetle (picture 3)
4. Wing covers with irregular yellow band.................western striped flea beetle (picture 4)
Wing covers without any yellow markings..........................................................................5
5. Wing covers metallic blue....................................................crucifer flea beetle (picture 5)
Wing covers metallic bronze.............................................cabbage flea beetle (picture 6)